old {and young} wives tales: I Want to Get Away

Wow, it’s been a while since my fingers have been on my computer keyboard! Thanks so much to Samantha, Sarah, and Aimee– because of their guest posts I was able to take off last week for an amazing vacation with my hubby to celebrate 10 years of marriage. We had five whole nights without any kids- a first for us since our third came along- thanks to my wonderful parents. 

Behind our house… right behind the woods, the sand dunes began!

Thanks also to the parents of our friend Hannah- they let us stay gratis in their beautiful beach home on Dauphin Island. If you ever want a get away on the Gulf Coast, this is your place. Beautiful pineywoods, gorgeous sand dunes, and of course the ocean. It’s also filled with small-town charm and very delicious fresh seafood.

The beach at sunset. I want to go back!

As we were pulling out of our driveway to leave on our trip, I almost couldn’t go through with it. I had never been away from Evaleigh for more than a night and wasn’t sure I could do it. But I knew that Ben needed me to be a wife, and a wife only to him, for a few days. After ten years of marriage, almost seven of those as parents, it was time for some “us” time.

Pretty much the only time we got out of “beach attire.”
We went and had yummy Chinese food!

So my marriage advice for you today is this: take some time away. Just the two of you. I know that 5 nights may not be possible. It definitely wouldn’t have been possible for us if not for our friends’ generosity and my parents’ willingness to take the kids for those nights.

some shells we collected for the kids

But just a night away can refresh and renew your spirit. Time away from wiping hineys, responding to “Mama!!!” a thousand times a day, and actually being able to sit down and eat an entire meal uninterrupted is priceless. I love being a mama, but time just to be “Kelli” to my “Ben” is so important as well.

 Thank you God for this time!
What is your favorite time you spent alone with your spouse?

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
