Things I Never Thought I’d Hear {31 Days of All Things Children Day 16}

Things I never thought I’d hear
(but raising kids changes all!)

As I mentioned last week, raising kids is hard! But it is a wonderful experience as well and I am so blessed with these three + little ones. One of the great things about having kids is the constant entertainment they bring to our lives. They are constantly saying the funniest things and cracking us up.

A few examples:
We were eating Vietnamese food the other day (one of our faves!) and Allie asked if I knew where the fish sauce came from. I said, “Yes, but do you?” 
She immediately answered: “Yes, it’s the Holy Spirit’s heart sauce!”
Umm, what? It is good to know that she associates the Holy Spirit with good things!

Landon woke up a few weeks ago and was describing a dream to me. He said it was about “our family, the Hill family (some of our friends), and ‘the exotics.'” Umm, again, what????
He said, you know, our friends A— and C—- Exotic! (their last name is actually Gonzales!)

About a month ago, Ben and I were chatting on the way home from church. He always asks me how his sermons were (they’re all great in my opinion!) and from the backseat Allie said, “Dad, you took the words right out of my mouth!” Good know we have a little theologian in our midst. 🙂

Another Sunday on the way home from church, Ben had to stay late so it was just the kids and me. It was quiet (very unnormal) and Evaleigh- 22 months at the time- busts out with, “Woooooo doggie!”
We laughed for about 15 minutes straight on that one!

When Landon was about three, and we had just moved to Houston, Ben was telling someone in the car how to get somewhere. Landon pipes up from the backseat, “Turn right on Kirby!” Kirby is a road we actually use quite often!

Landon to our mother’s helper Kelsey (she is a lifesaver BTW!)
Helping Landon learn his nouns:
Kelsey: “Are you a noun?”
Landon: “Yes, I’m a noun”
Kelsey: “Am I a noun?”
Landon: “No, you’re a bush. So I can use you as a gun rest when I’m hunting!”

Landon, upon discovering we were having cereal for breakfast, said, “The only reason I got out of bed was because I thought I smelled bacon!”

When Allie was about three she was in a t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. mood. Forget terrible twos, three was a bad year for her! She was whining in the backseat and I asked her what was wrong. She said, “My shoes are too tight, my seat belt is twisted and dad just ran that stop sign!” 
It was too funny. And for the record, he didn’t run the stop sign. 🙂

What are some funny things your kids have said?


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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
