How to Help Suffering Friends

How to help suffering people in your life

Friday marked 9 years since our son’s Landon’s surgery he had at only 7 weeks old.

Each time this year I am so thankful for how well he is doing. We know that each day with him is a gift. During our time in the hospital, we had so much support, encouragement, and love to help get us through that difficult time. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post for Paula at Beauty through Imperfection about helping those who are in a tough spot. The post is sort of a “taste test” of my book, His Grace is Enough. Here’s what I wrote for Paula’s blog:

Not much can thrust sudden fear into a parent’s life like that of a major illness of a child. The day after our first-born child Landon entered this world, my husband and I learned the meaning of gut-wrenching fear like we had never experienced before. Our pediatrician entered my hospital room and told us that our baby would probably have to be sent to a larger hospital due to some elevated lab results.  By the end of that day, he was gone, and I had to stay another night at the hospital where I delivered because of my C-section.

Click here to read the rest!

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
