What a Weekend

Warning: not a fun blog post ahead. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

I don’t think I can even put into words this weekend. Last week was so fun- my cousin came in for 3 days with 2 of her kids and we took her 2 and my older 2 to a waterpark nearby. Then Friday came- and thus began the Weekend of Sickness!

Actually, late Thursday night/early Friday morning,  our baby Canaan woke up throwing up. We put him in bed with us and went back to sleep for a while. We got up around 7 am to see my cousin and her kids off, and shortly after discovered that both of our girls had lice! Luckily, they hadn’t had it for long because it wasn’t that bad, but it still takes FOREVER to treat their long hair.

The worst part was that all the girls had drug out every.single.blanket that we own- including all our baby blankets- to build forts. So guess what? I had to wash every.single.blanket in our house! I started 7:30 a.m. Friday and finished around 7:00 p.m. Saturday! (I posted about Laundry Tips that Have Changed My Life yesterday, but all bets are off when lice is involved! You can also click here to read about how we treated lice– the first time they had it!)

I ended up not feeling great part of Saturday. Sunday morning I got up early to get ready to teach the preschool Sunday school class at our church. I was super excited- then at about 8 a.m. Evie threw up everywhere. I had to call in a back-up teacher. It seemed the sickness would never end!

I was starting to feel pretty sorry for myself by Sunday. The girls were supposed to go play with a friend Friday night, but of course they couldn’t. Then we were supposed to have some friends over for lunch Sunday that live out of state, but when the throwing up commenced, we had to call that off, too.

But as my husband lovingly reminded me, at least we have a washer and dryer. I didn’t have to wash alllllll that laundry by hand. There was treatment readily available for all the illnesses we had. And today starts a new week!

I spent Sunday evening in the kitchen creating a few new recipes that I can’t wait to share with you later this week. We had a relaxing evening at home and got to eat good food! And Ben and I did get to go to a wedding shower on Saturday night for a good friend getting married. So was the weekend my favorite? No. But could it have been worse? Definitely. Trying to be grateful for those days that don’t go exactly as planned.

How was your weekend?

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Fabia Hill says

    Sorry you had such a lousy weekend friend!
    Love and miss you!
