31 days {thrifty art for the home}

31 days of financial savvy- day 18

Easy decoupage thrifty art work-beautiful for the home and the kids can help!!

I love decorating my home and making it feel, well, more homey. In fact, I’m going to be doing a series in November on “Making a House a Home.” I love using thrifty art since I love finding (or making) beautiful things for little money.

One of my favorite pieces of art in our home hangs on my gallery wall on our stairwell, and one of the reasons it’s my favorites is because I made it with my older two kids. We spent an hour or two one afternoon while the other two were napping and made this project. Even better? It’s Texas!

texas decoupage

(But of course you can use any state- or another shape! A heart, a star, or even a camera would be fun! I got my Texas outline by googling “Texas map outline”)

—> Choose several sheets of scrapbooking paper that match your decor, a canvas (I got mine at Hobby Lobby for around $8 using a 40% off coupon), ModPodge, a paint brush, and one color of craft paint.

First, tear up scrapbooking paper into small pieces. You know you have a stash that you are never.going.to.use- so tear it up! It’s fun! Even better, get your kids to help. They’ll love it.

Then, start applying ModPodge to the canvas and add the paper to the canvas.

DIY Thrifty and Fun Personalized Wall Art!

After you get all of the paper onto the canvas, apply a coat or two of ModPodge over the paper. Allow to dry.


Then, put your shape over the paper and trace it lightly. Then paint everything BUT the shape.

(I forgot to get a pic of this step but you get the idea.)DIY Thrifty and Fun Personalized Wall Art!

 And here it is! I love how it turned out. It’s not perfect, but it was fun, the kids got to help, and it fits right in our gallery wall- which I’ll show you next month!Easy decoupage artwork!

 Don’t forget- enter the giveaway for Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover!

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
