Clean Sweep Series {Fabric Refresher vs. Febreze}

Unless I find something else fabulous, I think my “Summer Essentials” series is just about wrapped up. My next series is going to be cleaning items that I love {I use that term loosely- ha!} that I have found super inexpensive at dollar stores.

So, I would like to introduce to you the Clean Sweep Series!

There isn’t a whole lot to elaborate on- either the product works or it doesn’t- so this will be a pretty simple series.

Without further ado- I bring you fabric refresher!


Honestly, there is no difference{that I can tell} in this stuff and Febreze, which is currently a whopping $4.97 at Wal-Mart. Even if there was a slight difference, I’d say a 500% price increase would make that difference irrelevant!

It works well on fabrics, as well as upholstered furniture. {be sure to do a test spot first on your furniture!} I have also used it when certain small people in my house have bestowed certain bodily fluids upon the carpet (or carseats, or mattresses.)
If you have pets or humans in your house, I would definitely pick some of this up next time you’re in a Dollar Tree. 🙂
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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
