Stay on Budget using a SmartPhone

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With 4 kids around, staying on a budget is vital for our family, as it is for most. One tool I’ve found for keeping on a budget is by using my SmartPhone- most recently a Samsung Galaxy Avant from Wal-Mart! Although I start by using a written budget, (see below for a free printable!) using my phone helps me stay on track while I’m out and about.

5 Ways to Stay on Budget Using a SmartPhone

stay on budget using a smartphone

1.) Download apps to your financial institutions

This way, you can keep track of your balances on the go. I frequently check in with our main checking account for our balance. That way, if you have an expense coming out that you forgot about, you can transfer money or make a deposit to avoid overdraft fees.

I also deposit checks using the mobile app. Love!

2.) Use your phone to compare prices

When I’m out shopping for a particular item, I frequently check to see if I can get whatever item it is I’m shopping for more cheaply elsewhere. A few times, I bought the item while I was standing in the store with free 2-day shipping. If I don’t need it right away, waiting a few extra days can save lots of money!

3.) Use a financial-tracking app to get the big picture of your financial status

I recently signed up with to keep track of all of our accounts. Since we have rental property and I own my business, we have several accounts and that makes it hard to keep up with everything. Even if you don’t have more than one bank account, a financial tracker can help you see where your money is going.


4.) Check grocery prices

You can check grocery prices for almost any grocery store with their apps. That way, if you’re wanting to buy a roast for the week, you can check and see who has roast on sale and head to that store.

family anniversary 2014

This family can eat- a lot!

5.) Stay on budget by using a pre-paid phone.

I can hardly believe you can get  4G LTE data with unlimited talk and text for just $40 dollars a month. I headed out to Wal-Mart to check out their pre-paid plans and phones. T-Mobile has a Simply Prepaid™ plan that is perfect for busy life-styles and staying on budget.

t mobile display

Prepaid often has slow data, a spotty network, and second rate phones /less of a selection of phones. However with Simply Prepaid™ you get 4G LTE data on T-Mobile.

With no chance of overages, a prepaid phone is simply a smart financial move. You can learn more about T-Mobile Simply Prepaid watching this fun video.

Bonus: While I love my smartphone for budget, a budgeting worksheet that I print out is also invaluable. Feel free to print this one out for your own use!

budget worksheet pink

Click here to get your own printable budget sheet or click here for the black and white version

How do you stay on budget? I’d love hearing your tips in the comments!


About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
