The Twelve Days of Christmas {Day 1}

Hello Friends!
Welcome to
The 12 Days of Christmas
brought to you by myself and Kelli from More Bang For Your Bucks!
Today is Day One!
Can you even believe that we’re only 12 days til Christmas??
Where has December gone already??
Before going any further, I wanted to share this well-known clip:

I think it’s really important to take a breath,
a break,
just breathe for a moment,
and take in what this Christmas season is really about.
Life is chaotic for many of us right now,
what with all the preparations taking place.
But if we don’t stop for just a moment
to remember what it is those preparations are really for,
we might just lose sight of what the true spirit of the season is about!

I struggled a little with what I wanted to share on Day One.
Day One – gosh, no pressure…
just need to kick this series off in a good way…
so people will enjoy it…
and look forward to Day Two and Three and so on.
No pressure at all!

I thought about the name of this series: The 12 Days of Christmas.
This is day one.
If you’re singing the song in your head, you might be envisioning a little something like this:

Well, that’s not exactly where I’m going, but it did give me the inspiration 
for what I wanted to share!

Have you ever thought about the meanings or legends behind some of the

ornaments you might see around the holiday season?

My favorite Christmas store {well, in my limited knowledge of Christmas stores}

is a place called Bronner’s, located in Frankenmuth, Michigan.

They have information on all kinds of Christmas legends!

It’s pretty fascinating.

source: Bronner’s

The hummingbird.

This is an incredible tiny little bird.

They are a bit of a marvel to sit and watch up close if you ever get the chance.

Honestly, until I looked up the legend of this Christmas symbol,

I wasn’t aware it really was a symbol of Christmas.

I just knew we had a lovely hummingbird ornament hanging on our tree!


when I read the symbolism it really made me think about this blog.

About the reason why I blog.

Ron was just sharing with me the other day

that it’s like you can draw a line in between

the negative slanted writing that was Peyton’s CaringBridge page

and the positive writing that {for the most part} makes up this blog.

It’s like you could tell where I had a life change

that allowed me to transition from living in the darkness and despair

of the brokenness of my life

to being able to live for today and go forward with the hope and assurance

that God is right there by my side through the brokenness

and through the pain,

giving me the strength I need to continue on this journey.

I shared about that recently as well.

So, the hummingbird is now a reminder for me –

a reminder that, while I can choose to fly backwards if I want,

I don’t have to stay there.

I can hover for a while, in the moment, savoring the sweetness of it

and then keep on moving forward.

Moira’s Hummingbird ornament – it was purchased at The Smithsonian in Washington, DC in December 2009

source: Bronner’s

Have you ever seen a Cardinal live and in person?

They are the most beautiful, brilliant red.

They are truly magnificent.

When I think about this legend, it forces me to think about this –

when we are celebrating Christmas, we not only celebrate the birth of our Savior,

but we are acknowledging His presence in the world –

His presence in our lives.

Not just as a small, helpless, innocent child,

but as a child that grew into a boy who would teach in the temple,

and a man who would spend years discipling others.

This baby would be born so that through our belief in Him,

we would be saved from our sins.

We would be redeemed by the blood He shed for us on the cross.

At Christmas we celebrate His birth, but also a full life

that culminated in redemption for us sinners

and the promise of eternal life if we but follow Him.

There is no gift that could possibly go under my tree

that could ever match the one given me over 2,000 years ago.

Peyton’s Cardinal ornament – it was purchased at The Smithsonian in Washington, DC in December 2009
Thank you so much for joining me for Day One today!

Please come back tomorrow when Kelli shares Day Two with you!

Feel free to grab a button for your blog!

Spread the word about our series!

The more the merrier!!


Thanks Sarah! Come back for Day Two tomorrow for Christmas gift ideas!

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
