What kind of spirit do you have?

A few days ago, I mentioned that my ladies’ Bible study is doing Priscilla Shrirer’s study called Seed. It is different from most studies I’ve done because there aren’t tons of blanks to fill in. Basically, she explains she wants the participant to pray and meditate over the portion of Scripture of the day, and let the Scriptures speak for themselves. 

This week, one of our verses was 2 Timothy 1:7.

This is a verse I’ve known all my life, but for some reason something new struck me. (The Bible is great like that, eh?) As the wonderful gals in my group were discussing what this verse means, I had a “duh” moment. 
The verse says, “God did NOT give us a spirit of timidity.” 

And that means, if I do have a spirit of timidity, it was not given by God.
It was given by someone else, or picked up from circumstances.

But it’s.not.from.God.

I am not sure why it took me 32 years to pull that from this verse. 

So, when God asks us to do something hard-

~Speak his name to an unbelieving friend
~ Lead a group for Bible study
~Be nice to someone who has been continually hateful to us
~ Go on a mission trip
~ Speak the truth in love
~ Be a parent (!)

He will give us a spirit of power to replace our spirit of timidity. He will give us a spirit of love so that we can love on those he has given us. He will give us a spirit of self-discipline, to think before we act.

We just have to learn to accept what he graciously gives, and replace our old ways.
Change is hard, no?
But with the power God has invested in our lives, it’s oh-so-possible. 

Linking up: 
Joy in this Journey
At the Picket Fence

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
