"Love As I Have Loved You"

Earlier this week, I was studying the passage of John 15, and verses 12 and 13 really caught my eye:


I immediately thought of the last few weeks of my life. Has anyone technically given up their life for me? No, but they have sacrificed time, energy and money to take care of me, which is part of laying down one’s life.



I sprained my ankle and for some reason (probably pregnancy) it’s taking a while to heal. The doctor I went to see told me to stay off of it for a few weeks- a tall order when there are three children under my care! The gals in my church have been so great in seeing to it that I get as much help as possible. One of my dear friends set up a “care calendar” to organize meals for us. We have received at least five meals- some from gals who are also pregnant- in the last week, and at least one more meal is coming. When I went through a rough time earlier this year, these same ladies were here to provide love and support.



As I write, there are three professional cleaners upstairs, thanks to another dear friend in the church.(Can I say that again? Three.professional.cleaners in.my.house! It’s never happened before so I am definitely relishing the fact, and so very grateful!)



These ladies I am blessed to call my friends have made me want to examine my own heart, and make sure that I am being the friend I need to be. It is so easy to get consumed in our own lives and problems that we forget those that are dear to us. I am so grateful to be part of a church community that continually blesses one another in so many ways. They truly share Christ’s love.


Just some of the friends that have helped!

Last week, we were in another tough spot involving some rental property that we own. My parents, sister, brother, brother-in-law, a close friend, and even people we don’t know that well helped us out immensely, and without complaining. (and let me tell you, it was HOT outside!)

How have you been blessed by a friend lately?


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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Love ya, Kelli!

  2. love ya, too! 🙂

  3. Awh 🙂 Sweet!

  4. Thanks Megan!

  5. Faith Konrath says

    This is great! Don’t you just love the church community? I’m so glad you have been blessed:)

  6. Crystal Smith says

    So sorry about your sprained ankle, but what a blessing for your 3 lovely friends along with the others to be so kind and compassionate to you! That’s what it’s all about! They are setting a wonderful example of those verses in John. WOuld you still be interested in sharing a post at Homemaker in Heels, because I would love to have you! Have a blessed day!
    Homemaker in Heels

  7. Hey Crystal! I would love to do a guest post.
    Do you have any ideas of a topic? Thanks for thinking of me!
    xoxo Kelli

    Our blog
