Don’t Forget the People- Making a House a Home

Making a House a Home- creating a refuge

First things first, right? One of the topics I wanted to discuss early in this series about Making a House a Home are the reasons why it’s important to make a house a home. Is it so we can be the envy on Pinterest? Definitely not- even though I’d love if you followed me on Pinterest! Is it to impress our friends our even so that we can maintain our own pride? Again, the answer is no.

I think the main reason that making a house a home is so vista is so that we can create a haven for our families- where they feel nourished and uplifted. Surely it will never be a perfect atmosphere, but creating a refuge from the world is such an important role. If you live alone, creating a home is just important- for your own care and so that you may care for others. You have a unique availability in which you can offer up a cozy atmosphere for those who crave it.


I want my children and husband- as well as members of our church and community- to love to walk through our doors. And a Martha-Stewart perfection isn’t what will draw them. No, it is the love and friendship and vibrant relationships that will draw both family and friends into our home. And that is my number one goal in this month. Not to forget the people for a Pinterest-perfect presentation.

making a house a home

If you start feeling overwhelmed by cute-sy stuff I share in this series, please make me a promise. Shut the computer and walk away. The last thing I want to do is cause envy or unrealistic expectations. We are all at different points in our lives and comparing will do nothing positive. I want this blog to be helpful, not a reason for people to feel “less than.”

And over and over I’ll remind myself of this truth during this month. It reminds me of the passage in 1 Corinthians where Paul tells us that if we don’t have love, nothing we do means anything. If I don’t have love but my floors are clean (haha!)- it doesn’t mean a thing. If I have a gorgeous Christmas decorations but my kids are scared to touch anything in the house for fear they’ll get in trouble- I might as well pack it all up. If my kitchen is clean and organized but my husband is feeling neglected, I need to rearrange my priorities.

So are you ready? It will be a delicate balance, but I’m so excited to share ways that I have made our house into a home. It is one of my greatest pleasures in life and I hope you enjoy the journey as well.

Do you struggle with balancing keeping a clean home and at the same time a loving attitude?


About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Great post, Kelli! I needed this reminder. Many days I realize I did a great job getting the dishes and laundry done, but then don’t remember if I even had quality play time with the kids 🙁


  1. […] Saturday, I wrote about loving the people in your home more than the thought of a perfect house. Today I want to publicly give accolades to my dear husband. I know people don’t like this […]
