Clean floors- what’s are those? "Swiffer" mop pad refills

I know, I know, mopping with a Swiffer is defnitely not the most economical way to get the floors clean. BUT. It does inspire me to mop more often than say, oh, once every two months. Let’s just say that I am much more likely to grab a clean pad, pop it on the Swiffer and go, than to take the time to fill up a bucket, or sink, and return to said bucket or sink fifteen times, dragging dirty water all over the house. With three little ones around the house, it just ain’t happening. {Yes, I said ain’t. I am from Texas. And also a former English teacher:) }

With that said, the Swiffer refill pads are not cheap. Unless you buy them at Dollar Tree. For $1, you get four pads, which of course is 25 cents each. The next-best-price I could find was $11.47 for 24, which comes out to about 48 cents each. (Anyone want to teach me how to make the “cents” symbol using Blogger? I googled it but nothing worked.) Almost double the price. May not seem like a lot when you are talking cents difference, but believe me, it adds up over time! Especially when you are cleaning up after 3 kids that make LOTS of messes.
And a confession- I don’t always change out the pad. If it is just a quick mop over the kitchen, I will re-use it next time. 🙂
Now, if Dollar Tree would just sell the cleaner refill, I’d be even happier!
P.S. For an even cheaper alternative, read here. Ladies, be prepared for a chuckle.
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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Hi WE are definitely soul mates when it comes to mopping floors. I had a floormate that broke. Have been buying the refills at Dollar General for $3/15 Don’t like the ones from the Dollar Store~~we buy our bread there… NY Rye bread and Whole Grain Wheat…

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  2. I have actually used an old rag (heavier towel folded up) and rubber banded it to my swifter…totally washable… and just switch out the rubber bands… for cleaner… well I get all purpose at the dollar tree…or glass cleaner… or whatever will clean the floor! Works Great!
    I will have to try the cleaning pads at the dollar store… I see that they have them now at ours…
