Five things Thursday

Hi to all of my lovely readers. Here are five random things that have been on my mind this week:

1.) My post yesterday was about encouraging parents who have lost a child. I mentioned our friends’ baby who passed away from the same liver disease our son has. A sweet reader, Katrina, left a comment about a sweet baby she knew that passed away from a similar liver disease. I headed over to the parent’s blog and read for a while, and wept. If you have some extra time, head over and see why organ donation is so, so important.

2.) It’s no secret that I am a fan of Ann Voskamp’s. Her post yesterday was an incredible reminder of the need that is present around the world. It is worth taking a few minutes to read. {it is the post from 10.12.11}.

3.) This girl. She is now officially 11 months old. *Sniff.* She loves her mama like no other. {Well, like her sister!} It has been weighing on my heart lately that raising confident, secure {but not conceited} girls is HARD. Can I get an amen?

And on a lighter note,
4.) Love this pumpkin sugar scrub recipe– by Stephanie Lynn. Maybe I’ll make some this fall?
5.) On the same blog, using Cheerios to make a bird feeder. Adorable.

Linking up with Five Days Five Ways for Five Things Thursday. 🙂

five days five ways | 5 Things Thursday

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Hello new friend!!!! I saw your comment on Snow in December’s blog and had to come and find your blog!!! Lovely!!!
    I am also a HUGE Ann Voskamp fan…. she is so incredibley inspirational! Definitely making the cheerio birdfeeder with my daycare kiddo’s (AFTER NAP!) 🙂 So glad to have found you friend!!! Feel free to head over to my blog and have a look around, if you’d like 🙂
    Your delighted new follower,
    Maggie H.

  2. Oh, Kelli! I love your list! I will have to go check out those posts you mentioned. Thanks for linking up!
    And yes, I know what it is to have a Mama-obsessed little (almost) 11-month-old, and I too am wondering how to build up her self-esteem without getting her all full of herself. Scary thought.

  3. Thanks Maggie! You are too sweet. I will definitely be stopping by to visit your blog!

  4. Thanks Abbie! Let me know if you figure out the raising daughters thing! 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by.
