Making Small Changes: Take Time “off” the Internet

family anniversary 2014

Hi there! I hope your weekend was wonderful. We spent yesterday with our church family celebrating the 6th anniversary of our church and it was so much fun! God gave Ben and me the vision and dream to plant a church 8 years ago and 2 years later, we were here and doing it. (A lot went on during those 2 years, including the birth of our 2nd child.) We had our service as usual and then a picnic in the afternoon.

allie anniversary 2014

Since then we’ve grown as a church and loved and sent missionaries to the uttermost parts of the earth and served our neighbors, and yes, had some setbacks as well. But to be a part of a healthy representation of the body of Christ is so refreshing and a gift that we don’t take lightly.

canaan anniversary 2014

We also spent some time at a park on Saturday with some good friends, until the rain started coming down. This little guy was filthy from head to toe: think Cheetos Puffs + Mud. Later that evening, I got the urge to clean our back patio really well and get some plants for it. An update coming on that project soon. 🙂


Today’s small change is pretty basic: take time off the Internet to enjoy the people in your life- in person, not on the computer! I made myself take “off” from my blogging and other computer-related work this weekend. I hopped on Instagram a few times to share pictures, but other than that, I was computer-free. It was amazing! I was able to get lots of “stuff” done too but the best part was just being free from the computer.

kids anniversary 2014

Have you taken an Internet break lately? What was the outcome?

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Fantastic! I REALLY need to make sure I start doing this more often.

    xoxo, Christine

  2. Thanks so much for the reminder! I need to do that more often. Always a much needed break, and so worth it to be with loved ones!
