What’s the *right* way to kill a baby?

disclaimer: I don’t write a lot about controversial subjects. This is a controversial post and I freely admit I am opening a can of worms. Please keep comments respectful, even if you disagree.
If you’ve been online much today, you’ve seen stories of Kermit Gosnell’s name explode suddenly. 

Who is this man?

He performed hundreds of abortions in his clinics, many of them well past the “legal” time frame of Pennsylvania of 24 weeks gestation. He reportedly brought in as much as $15,000 a day for his “services.” Women died in his practice. Conditions were deplorable, a flea-infested cat roaming around and defacating freely when officials raided it in 2010. There were bloodstains on the furniture and virtually no working medical equipment in the facility. Truly, Dr. Gosnell needs to be in jail.


Pro-lifers have long been ostracized in the media (and on a personal level) for this “political” issue, which in my humble opinion, I think has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the value of human life. I am hoping that this story will open people’s eyes that “fetsuses” are actually babies- the body parts of those precious babies lining the walls of Gosnell’s clinic can attest to it.

If the clinic is sterile and clean, is it okay?

If the doctor is performs things more legally than Gosnell, it’s okay?

If the deceased baby’s body parts are properly disposed of, is it okay?

If women aren’t given infections, it’s okay?

If the fetus is killed prior to delivery instead of after, is it okay?

If it’s done before 24 weeks gestation, is it okay?

Please hear me out,  I know many women that have had abortions and have experienced God’s forgiveness. I know that women sometimes feel as if they don’t have an option. But I think that women feel this way from the what we’ve been told:
“it’s okay to kill a baby as long as it’s done in a nice clinic, with a licensed physician, with sterile equipment, then we can go on about our lives.”

But I don’t know one lady who’s aborted and doesn’t regret it.

Women’s health is often cited as the reason for abortion- and I truly feel there could be a gray area there  if the woman’s life is truly in danger. If we believe in the sanctity of life, the mother’s life is important too.

However, I would venture to guess that the vast majority of abortions are performed due to inconvenience. I know that not everyone who has sex is planning to be  parent (that’s a whole other blog post!) but there are so, so many people who want babies that can’t have them and I can just imagine that if 3,000 babies (in America alone) weren’t aborted each day, so many childless families would have a baby to love.

I’m not a “doom and gloomer”, and I’m not one to stir the pot so to speak, and I can’t stand an “us versus them” (Christian versus non) mentality, but I just can’t shake this feeling that we are sweeping something HUGE under the rug. (and I’m not talking about Gosnell)

What are your thoughts on the topic?

For more reading, here is a thought-provoking post by John Piper

Again, I welcome any open and honest debate. However, I will not keep any vicious comments on the blog. 

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Hi friend. Good for you for standing up for what you believe in. Regardless of what people’s opinions are regarding abortion I hope that it is apparent that this man behaved no differently then a murderer. I think it takes a certain kind of Evil to do the things this man did, how he sleeps at night is a mystery to me.
    Thank you for sharing your opinion, and bringing attention to something that needs to be addressed. Love ya friend xo.

  2. i saw a quote on Pinterest that a girl I follow repinned. it said “just because i am pro choice doesnt mean i am pro abortion. it means i understand that your right to choose is none of my business” but i fully believe that since i am pro life, i cannot sit by and feel okay letting babies die just because we need to keep the peace and stay out of their business. i am disgusted by this man’s actions (i cannot even call him a Dr.) but i am disgusted by any physician that okay with performing a “legal” murder. I appreciate you sharing your opinion and talking about this topic even if it isn’t something you would normally blog about.

  3. We must speak up! Thank you for doing so!

  4. What so many don’t want to admit is that in order to allow any abortion, in their mind it all has to be okay, because you’re right, there is no way to “draw a line”. Either it’s murder from the moment of conception, or that blob isn’t anything until we decide it is. Abortion is big business, and great for political clout, and the myth about the life of the mother really needs to stop as well. Abortion isn’t a “treatment” for anything, and the percentage of abortions that are motivated by maternal welfare is very tiny.

  5. after reading about this whole thing for the first time the other day, i was just horrified that there are places out there doing such things. i really commend you for speaking your mind on this very touchy subject in our world today. as i look at my own daughter i can’t imagine life with out her and how someone could put their own life at risk in the hands of someone like that as an ‘easy fix’.

  6. i read this the other day on my phone and was having a hard time commenting. but good for you for standing up for what you have in your heart… controversial issues are hard to stand up for sometimes as much as we can preach the “love” of God. I’m actually writing a post about that right now…so I’ve been there… sometimes we gotta =)

  7. Evil incarnate.


  1. […] Today, I’m spent the first minutes of the morning praying. I’m not eating until dinnertime. And a certain issue is weighing heavily on my heart. Mandy, a fellow blogger from Biblical Homemaking, has created a day of prayer and fasting centered around the topic of abortion. (You can read more here about statistics concerning abortion. ) This has long been a passion of mine. {I blogged about it before here.} […]
